Procrastimarketing: AKA Occam’s Razor

Beginning of the day:
I am working on a seven page marketing presentation for Wednesday/ Thursday.
All the live long day and night and tomorrow and the day after that.
Market research is fun.
Oh, wait. No. No, it isn’t fun.
Stats. Yay.
Stat analysis. Woo.
snort. mfft- warble

End of the night:
Occam’s Razor: “All other things being equal, the simplest solution is the best.”
This can [somewhat] be applied to prepping a Marketing Plan, Stat Analysis and a Promo Plan.
i.e. take dated government stats with a grain of salt. A lot can happen in three years. Go with what you know from immediate info gathered from Surveys, Focus Groups and Rock concerts.
And the most Occam’s Razor thing about today: take the advice of seesters when they tell you to take out all words under four letters when condensing. 🙂 SO much easier to condense. You realize that you can actually eliminate entire sentences.

Wasn’t that an EXCITING post?!