Canada’s Election: The Day After Tomorrow


$300 million of Canadian tax payers money has been spent in just over five weeks after Prime Minister Stephen Harper called an illegal election. $50 million of that can be attributed to a cut, by Harper, to the arts. Harper believes that $50 million would be better spent elsewhere as, of course, all of us who are artists use that federal money to throw and go to galas. Perhaps Harper needed to delve a little deeper to realize that money was there for grants; for film to made; for performances to be performed. Clearly he thinks that we are living in the lap of luxury. Doesn’t that come to mind to you when you think of artists? People living in luxury, drinking Dom Perignon and wearing Dior Homme tuxes, John Galliano gowns and Christian LaBoutin stilettos? Oh, to wish-

I digress-

Today, Canadians are angry and feeling numb. Liberals (can be equated to Democrats) are angry that the Liberal Party has a leader who is a dolt; Conservatives (can be equated to Republicans) are angry that Harper did not get the majority government that he was hoping for while no one was looking (or while Canadians were looking at the US Elections); all-in-all, Canadians are angry that we are at the same spot we were six weeks and $300 million ago. 

Wasted spending in the arts? Harper, my dear: you just proved wasted spending in a bogus election.

Yes. Today we are numb. Today, we are all talking in lower octaves- barely audible, really- shuffling our feet in the leaves. A lot of us are saying: we’ll see a change in a Liberal leader “within six business days.”

But most of us are looking to the day after tomorrow. What will happen with our country with this dufus still in office, running our country, hating homos and arts? What will his relationship be with the next US President and other leaders across the world? GOD FORBID McCain attain power-

The best news to me is that the son of the most amazing Canadian Prime Minister, Pierre Trudeau ( from 1968- 1979; 1980- 1984), Justin Trudeau has entered the world of politics like many Canadians had wished he would. Trudeau has won his seat in Montreal. I can only hope that by the time there is another election, he is the new leader of the Liberal Party.



Justin Trudeau

Justin Trudeau

From my lips to the Universe’s ears-