The Mythical Makeover

Lately, Deven Green has been entertaining me and a plethora of my friends with her series of dubbed videos of Brenda Dickson of 80s The Young and the Restless fame.

When I think of the word Makeover, my minds eye immediately sees the image above. Oh, Brenda.

Makeover is a term rampant from the 80s. It implies that you are not fit for the world. Further images of a mass of women sitting in Department Store Cosmetic Chairs being made over by other women who looked similar to the image of Brenda above (and whom still look like this but 25 years later) haunt me.

Makeover still exists, sadly. Preying on the insecurities of women everywhere, retailers convince women what their look should be based on the dictated Look of the season. It’s true. I lived it for years- I was that flamboyant gay guy who sold many of you The Look.

Luckily, women today are much smarter. And men too, for that matter. [We all know at least one Metrosexual.] Because information moves at such a rapid rate through the internet (or what my buddy Johnny calls The Oracle), people, in general, are much more educated and savvy as to what they want. The problem for people (from what I have encountered) is that, even though they know what they want, they don’t know how to get there. I have deduced that we all (at least in the Western World) play at least three different characters in our lives: Work Me, Home Me & Social Me. Another concern I have encountered from people is that all three of these characters can often meld into one more than not.

Even if- in most cases- peeps would rather have a little more distinction between their three faces of Eve. Okay. Maybe I’ve carried it too far, but you get my meaning.

The Studio offers makeup, hair and styling services that suit your needs and wants. Where you walk into most salons, you are inundated with having to become- at least a little- part of that culture. I am more concerned about being part of your culture, working with you and developing a look that works for you in every aspect of your life. Your Look has to represent you. Your Look shouldn’t necessarily own you, as it owns our dear Brenda above. Sure, sure. There’s a time and a place for pulling a Dickson. But we’re not always on a Red Carpet in 1984.

No. Own your Look or Looks. You should always have the final say of what you look like, appropriate to the situation, of course. And if you’re having a problem getting there, email me and let’s consult!

Where Do We Go From Here?

Extensions gone. But not forgotten. What to do with the do?

I mentioned in my last post that it was a bus(ier) November. That being said, I’m still catching up with finances from all-things-lost during the initial global financial scare through September and October. It’s AMAZING how much that affected people. But, now that people are not buying houses, condos and focusing on “back to basics”, clients and new clients need to make themselves feel better. I get it. Even as a stylist, I do the same thing. I’m freaked about money. So the first thing that makes me feel good again is having good hair, working out, having good skin, etc. That has been the conversation with clients this month. People seem to communally be feeling the same. Look good, feel better. 

Now, I realize that there are more important things going on in the world. What is affecting us personally is not as bad as what else is going on. But, all I know at the moment is what affects me personally. When I’m at a better place, I feel that I can focus on what is happening in the world. There is a certain amount of guilt there but it’s hard to not focus on what is going on in one’s own life when the chips are down.

Anyone else out there feeling it?